Sunday, April 9, 2017

Israel and the Great War of the 21st Century

Just a few days ago, the US commemorated the 100th anniversary of America's first Declaration of War against Germany. The date of that Declaration of War was April 6, 1917. The War itself had begun almost three years earlier, in August, 1914.

If you've ever learned about World War One, you may know that the so-called 'War to end all Wars'--also known as the Great War--began, in part, because too many countries in Europe believed war was necessary because of obligation, revenge or, even, the best road to greatness.

For example, some say that Germany saw war as a stepping stone to greatness (Michael Lind, "Germany's superpower quest caused world war one", nationalinterest, June 30, 2014). The Austro-Hungarians, meanwhile, saw war as the way to avenge the Bosnian national who had just assassinated (June, 1914) the Austro-Hungarian heir-apparent, Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie.  

When, in July,  1914,  Austro-Hungary attacked Serbia, Russia, allied with Serbia, felt obligated to aid Serbia. It mobilized for war.  

Germany was allied with Austro-Hungary. When Russia threatened Austro-Hungary, Germany declared war on Russia.

Then, in early August, 1914, Germany declared war on France--because France, an ally of Russia, had also begun to mobilize. At that same time, Germany came up with a great idea: to attack France, it would send an invading army through the neutral Belgium. 

Belgium was allied with England. When Germany invaded Belgium, England declared war on Germany.

This is one view of how World War One began. Simple though it is, it serves a purpose for our 21st Century. It helps to explain why Arabs surrounding Israel are destined to attack the Jewish state: when talk of war spreads across a network of national leaders  already primed for war, the flames of war can spread like wildfire once the first match is thrown. 

According to some, that's what happened in the months leading up to  World War One. Can one argue that it now happens again--in the Arab Middle East?

The Arabs who surround Israel engage in a combination of war-chatter and interlinked 'alliances'. These 'alliances' don't always kick in every time Israel fights one of the 'allied' entities. But those links exist, as the did in 1917. They are always ready to ignite. 

Hamas, Fatah, Hizbollah and Syria all speak out against the Jewish Israel. They share a singular mindset: war against the infidel Jew. 

These entities don't want to cooperate with Israel. They seek instead the cooperation needed to destroy Israel. This lust to destroy the world's only Jewish state means that, with the right spark, they will attack Israel just as their parents and predecessors did in 1967.

One can argue that the Great War of 1914-18 shaped the 20th Century ("The First World War, Part 1, Race to arms", based on the book by Hew Strachan, Hamilton Film Partnership Production, 2003, posted on youtube May 16, 2014). One can also argue that the 'Palestinian' Jihad of the last third of the 20th Century (see the Hamas Charter) shapes the 21st Century.

That Great War is not a thing of the past. It's a horror that poisons the Middle East today. 

It's a horror that teaches a lesson the West should never forget: he who thinks of war and talks of war goes to war, especially when he believes he has friends who will stand by him during that war. For this reason, there will be another Great War.  

It will be an Arab war for the 'Palestinian' people. It will be the Great War for 'Palestinian'  nationalism. It will be the suicide of the 'Palestinian' Cause.

The Great War of the 20th Century teaches us something else. It launched the US as a world power (ibid). It suggests that the Great War of the 21st Century will launch Israel as a world power.

Can you believe that?

Stay tuned.

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