(Last update: August 23, 2018)
The newspaper, haaretz, is the main Leftist news outlet in Israel. It lives to bash Israel. It really loves to bash what's Jewish in Israel.
At least, that's my opinion.
Haaretz won't let go of the new Nation-State Law (below) that was passed by Israel's Knesset (Parliament) on July 19, 2018. It can't--or won't move on.
Haaretz is at it again. If you opened the internet version of Haaretz a couple of days ago, you found this: Odeh Bisharat, "It's a good thing you didn't attend the Nation-State rally in Tel Aviv, Tzipi Livni", August 20, 2018. It's still prominently show-cased today, two days later (warning: haaretz has a paywall).
Let's revisit the Left's angst. On July 19, 2018, Israel's parliament--the Knesset--passed a new law. It's become known as the 'Nation-State Law'.
Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that this new law enshrines "into the law the basic principle of our [Jewish] existence.” This Law also highlights as never before the official Jewish character of Israel.
For example, the Law identifies such Jewish character traits for Israel as these (here):
1. Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people.
2. Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people.
3. In Israel, the Jewish people fulfill its historic and religious rights.
4. Hebrew [the language of Jewish holy texts] is the official language of Israel.
5. Jewish settlement is a national value [a value that derives from Jewish Holy texts].
6. The [ancient] Hebrew calendar is an official calendar for the state of Israel.
7. Saturday and religious [Jewish ]holidays are official days of rest in the state of Israel.
It was perhaps with these characteristics in mind that PM Netanyahu described the new Law this way: “This is our country, the state of the Jews....today we etched into the rock of law: this is our country, this is our language, this is our national anthem, and this is our flag. Long live the state of Israel” (here).
Palestinians, however, cannot abide such Jewishness. They absolutely cannot stand that Israel would be Jewish (here). They find the idea that Israel would favor Judaism over Islam or Christianity to be offensive. They say it's 'racist' (here). It violates Palestinian rights (ibid). Why, it denies the [anti-Israel] Palestinian narrative!!!! (ibid).
Worse, it represents "the official beginning of fascism and apartheid" in Israel (ibid). The new Law makes Israel Apartheid!
Israeli Leftists sing this same Palestinian song. The Left says, whatever the Palestinians said, that's what we think!
Therefore, the Left denounces the new Law. They call it a 'racist provocation'! (here).
While some in Israel say this new Law simply restates the obvious--that Israel is the Jewish state--Leftists and Palestinians see it as an attack against all that Arabs and Leftist Jews have dreamed about--to remove from Israel all that is 'Jewish' and turn Israel into nothing more than 'a state of all its citizens' (here).
To push this concept along, Leftists lament that the new law 'codifies discrimination' (here). Palestinians lament, this law "obligates the state [of Israel] to treat its non-Jewish citizens unequally" (here).
They both lament that this this Law will destroy 'democracy' in Israel. But that isn't true.
This Leftist/Palestinian 'coalition' has created a lie called, 'the-Nation-State-Law-is-Apartheid'. In the US, this lie has spread like wildfire (here). It's doing well elsewhere, too.
But wait. Think about what this new Law actually does (see above). Why would calling a nation 'Jewish' be racist? Why would calling Hebrew the official language of Israel be racist?
Before you join Jew-hating Palestinians and their Jew-hating Jewish allies to condemn Israel, consider some facts. First, Some 27 Muslim countries officially enshrine their own state as Muslim (here). No one has ever called any of these 27 countries, racist, because of such a designation. No one ever complained that any of these 27 countries were apartheid specifically because they favored Islam over Judaism or Christianity.
Why should Israel be any different for doing the exact same thing?
In addition, another 40 countries unofficially favor a single specific religion, most commonly some form of Christianity (here). No one has called any of these countries racist for such favoritism. No one ever claimed that choosing a single religion over all others forced onto non-Christians a fascist or apartheid inequality.
Why should Israel be any different for doing the exact same thing?
Israel is the only regime in the Middle East that is not Apartheid. Apartheid countries are, by definition, not free countries. But year-after-year, Israel proves its 'freedom' credentials(here). No one else in the Middle East can say this. Yet, Israel's Left joins with Arabs to call Israel racist and Apartheid?
Israel's Leftists and Arabs have become indistinguishable. Together, they demonize Israel. Together, they lie about Israel. Together, they say anything they can to promote the 'Palestinian' anti-Israel narrative.
The Left has made its choice. It stands with real racists to shout "racist" at the Jewish Israel.
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