Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Despots on Human Rights Council get insulted by 'the Jew'. Watch what happens next

Today's essay for you is short. It's not even an essay. It's a 3 minute video.

How's that for 'short'?

This video is about a Jewish hero. His name is Hillel Neuer, the Executive Director of the Non-Government Organization (NGO), UN Watch. He's a hero because he attends the meetings of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

Yes, just attending these meetings makes him a hero because the anti-Israel trash-talk he has to listen to requires an enormous reserve of patience. He's a hero because, after listening to despots, he identifies in public how they lie.

As you'll see in this video, he's a lone voice in a sea of tyranny. He attends the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) which, as you may know, is where the world's worst human rights abusers get to decide who outside their despotic universe should be condemned by them for human rights abuses. These despot bigots never fail to illustrate what happens when the proverbial fox guards the hen house.

This video is about 3:30 long. It was uploaded to youtube August 3, 2018. Neuer's response to what he hears at this particular UNHRC meeting gives you a good insight into the hypocrisy of UNHRC despots who "guard" human rights.

In this video, you'll see Venezuela take offense at something Neuer has said about despots and rights abuse. Its delegate complains. Then watch how Neuer responds. His response is brief---but it's razor-sharp.

Take a look:

The UN has lost its credibility. It has transformed itself from a potential Temple of Peace to a real House of Tyrants. Hillel Neuer is the hero who calls them out for their cruelty, double-talk and hypocrisy. He's the hero who stands before these human rights abusers and, alone, tells them what they really are--liars, hypocrites and despots.

Good work, Hillel Neuer. 

Note: on August 7, 2018, this video disappeared from youtube. This essay above may be your only place on the internet to view it. Will it reappear on youtube?

It just reappeared (here).

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