Friday, July 27, 2018

Israel and its enemies talk of war

In January 1939, the US was not at war with anyone. The US didn't go to war until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor almost two years later, on December 7, 1941. World War Two didn't officially begin for the US until 24 hours later, December 8, 1941, when it declared war against Japan. Three days after that (December 11th), Japan's ally Germany declared war against the US.

At that point, given the extent of the aggression of Japan in the Far East and Germany in the West, the World was 'at war'. It would become the most devastating war in human history.

While the attack on Pearl Harbor is generally considered a surprise attack, the 1941 declarations of war between Japan-US-Germany were not surprises. America had been debating since before September 1939 (when Germany invaded Poland) whether to intervene in Japan's and Germany's aggression--or remain isolated from that aggression  altogether. 

By 1939, the US had already divided itself between interventionists--who said we must go to war to defend democracy--and isolationists, who, essentially, said America should stay out of other people's affairs. 

In fact, by 1939, the talk of war, pro and con, was everywhere in the US. For example, in a speech to Congress in January, 1939, then-President Franklin Roosevelt spoke aggressively of "storm signals from across the seas" (here , p 1). Everyone in the US understood he wasn't referring to the weather. He was referring to the storms of war.

Today, Israel, is surrounded by storms of war--on its Northern border and on its Southern border. Israel's war isn't 'across the seas'. It's in our back yard, banging at our door.  

Unlike the America of 1939, Israel does not have the luxury of debating whether or not to go to war. It has the necessity to prepare for war.

There is war talk everywhere here. Both sides ratchet up war rhetoric. But if one side speaks of defense, the other side side speaks openly of war.

The UN doesn't notice.

The lines are drawn. Israel speaks of defending its borders (here). Israel's Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz only suggests we are close to war (here).

The Palestinian Authority (PA), on the other hand, doesn't suggest anything. it's explicit. It says it waits for the order to attack (here). Meanwhile, the PLO faction in the PA wants to discuss severing ties with Israel, a typical first step for entities at war (here). 

Hamas' military wing, meanwhile, pushes for war (here). Others in Hamas push the Hamas 'incitement button' by calling for Muslims to kill 'Zionist Jews wherever they find them' which--you may wish to know--refers to any Jew living in Israel (here).

This is a call for genocide. The UN doesn't notice.

Remember what you see here: Israel speaks of the promise to defend itself. The Muslims who surround us speak of war, attack and the killing of Jews.

In Israel's largest Hebrew-language newspaper, Yisroel Hayom, headlines are all about a lead-up to war and the preparations for war. For example, yesterday's top headline was (all translations are mine), "Biggest arms deal is State history". The second top headline for page one was, "Between two fronts: rockets in the North, escalation in the South". On page two, a partial headline read, "Da'ash [ISIS] finds [Syrian jet fighter]...shot down  [by Israel]", suggesting a growing conflict with Syria. On page 3, a partial headline read, "Serious incident at Gaza border".  

It's possible that Israel may have to fight on two fronts, against Syria/ISIS/Hizbollah (and, possibly, Iran) in the North, and against Gaza in the South. Every time Israel has fought on multiple fronts, many Jews have died.

For this reason, Israel knows this must not be a gentle war. It can't afford to be gentle, proper, unaggressive. For Israel, it will be an existential war. Two fronts will require Israel to use a massive attack, the likes of which no one in the region has ever experienced. It will have to be massive because, when fighting on two fronts, Israel will have little in reserve. Its back will be against the wall. 

For the enemies of Israel who attack our Jewish State, this war will be unbelievably devastating. They will run to the UN to accuse Israel of war crimes. 

As soon as the accusations against Israel get to the UN, the UN will sit up and notice only the devastation caused by Israel's defense. It will condemn Israel--and soft-peddle or completely ignore the Arab war-rhetoric and the Arab attacks that precipitated the  fighting.

In preparation for this new war--and the anti-Israel assault it will bring--the PA says it is considering asking the UN General Assembly to oust Israel from the UN (here).

You can feel the screws tightening against Israel. If Israel defends itself, will it be ousted from the UN as a criminal, rogue state?

The Arabs who surround Israel are big talkers. They pose and threaten. But they're also bluffers. 

Are they bluffing  now? Stay tuned--and pray for Israel.

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