Tuesday, September 4, 2018

What you don't know about Islam could get you killed

A reader has sent me a video. This video is familiar to me. I've already written an essay to showcase a version of it ("How much do you know about Islam?", tuviabrodieblog, July 7 , 2016).

Nevertheless, I suggest a revisit to this video. Actually, the video below isn't 100% the same as the July, 2016 version. The ending is different.

I revisit this video because, as the presenter says, 'he who fails to study history is doomed to repeat it' (my paraphrase). One point of this video is to remind us how little we really know about Islam. Since most Westerners are completely -- or nearly completely--ignorant about, specifically, the political aspects of Islam, a repeat lesson about Islam's ambitions seems appropriate. After all, as Islam spreads, what you don't know about Islam could get you killed.

As you watch this video, think about how Palestinian Authority (PA) leader Mahmoud Abbas talks to the UN about peace with Israel. Think about how Iran dealt with the Obama-Kerry nuclear arms deal--and what has happened since. 

Think also about how the threat of being labelled an 'Islamophobe' has protected Islam all across the Western world from critical comments. Think about how that protection might help certain Islamists drive towards their Islamic goals.

Warning: this video is not politically correct. You may be offended. 

One note: this video purports to discuss the history of Islam in 5 minutes. It doesn't. It takes the speaker app 7:30 minutes to cover that 5 minutes (after a 30-second intro). Then, the speaker goes on for another 7 minutes.

 You'd be wise to watch that part, also.

The video is a speech. By the end, you may agree that it appears to segue into a campaign speech. This speech took place in 2015, perhaps a year or more before the 2016 US Presidential election. 

That's the part I want you to hear. The words spoken are, in political terms, old. How do they sound to you now? 

As you listen to the end of this speech, compare what the speaker said in 2015 to what you know today about the US President's attitudes towards Iran, the Palestinian Authority, the UN, North Korea and the EU. How does Trump respond to the world?

You can draw your own conclusions (video source is here). The speaker is Brigitte Gabriel, a Christian Lebanese whose family experienced the modern Islamic sword first-hand:

 Is Brigitte Gabriel  correct? You'll have to decide that for yourself.

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