Sunday, September 18, 2011

On the threshold of greatness: history unfolds before our eyes. Do you see it?

Have you been following the news? Last year at this time, Leftist Israeli journalists and Left-leaning Israeli politicians were giddy with their ‘land for peace’ scheme. A week couldn’t go by without at least one reference to  ‘land’ or ‘peace’. At one point, it seemed that the Left couldn’t say the words enough—‘land for peace’, as if it were a refrain from a newly- popular song.  Do you remember that?   The giddiness became so infectious that one ingenious Leftist proposed that if Israelis did not choose land for peace, we would end up in Hell. 

It was quite the rage. Even the Arabs were happy. That seemed a rare accomplishment, Jews making Arabs happy. But it seemed true: the Arabs talked about replacing Israel with an Arab country,  Mahmoud Abbas held up a plaster map of a new ‘Palestine’ in place of Israel, and  the Jews  ( the Leftist Jews, that is—the ones who control the media) reminded us how Jews really would end up in Hell if we rejected Arab demands.   This had to make the Arabs happy because that was exactly their idea of where the Jews would end up if we accepted Arab demands.

With Jewish Leftist help, the Arab would win-- because either way,  the Jew ends up in Hell.

Leftist Jews around the world were practically gleeful. Finally, we had common ground with the Arab—and there’d be peace after all: the Arab would get the land and the world would get some peace.  Aren’t Jewish Leftists clever?

Funny thing, though: today, just days away from a Palestinian Authority (PA) bid to become the newest UN member state, few Leftist Jews are chortling about ‘peace’.  The word seems to have lost its top billing. Instead, it has either been dropped from use, or it has become somehow hidden, embedded in sentences as a kind of afterthought or random modifier—like a once-popular song that has lost its lustre.

Jews are an exotic. They are different. As a people, we are bright, creative, intelligent and hard-working. We make wonderful discoveries in science and engineering. We know how to make a desert bloom. We can create thousands of patents to benefit industry, science and medicine. But the same cannot be said about how we treat politics and religion.

 Look at the facts: (1) the Israeli Left says we will have peace with the Arab and the Arab says he will give Jews the peace of the grave. Not offended by this, the Leftist says,‘See, I told you we could have peace.’  (2) The Left says, ‘We will give land to the Arab’ and the Arab says, ‘That’s not good enough. We want Jerusalem.’  Not offended at all, the Left replies,‘Sure.’  (3) The Left says, ‘Peace is  possible’ and the Arab says, ‘Not without our ‘right of return’’.  In no way offended, the Left answers, ‘Land for peace!’

When someone on the secular Right points out the impossibility of the Left’s positions, the Leftist media goes on full alert: the Rightist attitudes are suicidal; Israel can never survive with a Rightist government.  If the Religious speak out,the Left circles the wagons to protect ‘democracy’ against the ‘fascist’ and ‘racist’ Rabbis.  The Left sits as king-of-the-hill. When attacked, they do not need to defend themselves. Facts are irrelevant.  They need only attack ad hominem because the Israeli electorate remains silent, allowing Leftist media moguls to retain almost complete control over what we see, read and hear. As a result, the Left delightfully promotes its ‘peace’ and the Right remains effectively corralled within the pre-set limits established by their trendsetter masters. The Arabs, like the Israeli Left, are also delighted: they repeat sometimes daily their desire to push Israel off the map, and there are few Jews to oppose them in the public domain. This is the best of all worlds for the modern Arab: he gets to tell the truth (he will cleanse all Jews from his new state and destroy Israel) while Leftist Jews cover for him so that the world will believe that the Jew accepts Arab demands. 

Religion, meanwhile, exerts its irresistible force.  This is our poetry and our strength. It is the key to our future.  It is the center of all that happens here. The Arabs know this. The Christians know it. But so far as mainstream Jewish media is concerned, religion here isn't all that important. Haven’t you noticed? The Left is blind to its own religion even as the Arab understands how ‘land’ and ‘religion’ are connected.The Left rejects everything religious even as Christians see miracles and Old Testament predictions being fulfilled daily. The Arab talks of death and ethnic cleansing but the Left would lead us with talk of peace and surrender—and  the spiritually sensitive among us marvel at how the G-d of Israel is arranging the furniture on the stage of history right in front of us, for all to see.

The Left, those Jews of Israel who control what we see and hear, are clueless. Their sole desire is to  de-Judaize Israel and surrender to the Arab majority—because the Left wants democracy and, as everyone knows,  democracy has no religion, and the majority rules. Our current leaders, meanwhile,refuse to recognize their G-d of Israel and worship instead political worldliness, appearing incapable of understanding their religious obligations to us. Bottom line here: when it comes to science, business, medical technology and military hardware, the Jews of Israel are really, really smart. But when it comes to religion and politics, these same smart Jews are really, really stupid. No wonder we need G-d to redeem us;we couldn’t find our way out of a paper bag even if G-d gave us a flashlight, a pair of scissors and written instructions.

What we see today is just the beginning. G-d has a plan—it’s in our Tanach. The moment our national leadership recognizes G-d is the moment Israel begins to stand tall.  Until then, the nations of the world, of their own free will, appear to array themselves against Israel, just as predicted. The Jewish Left, choosing freely, will appear to join with those who would desecrate G-d’s name, just as before (see our Tanach).  History unfolds in front of our eyes: everyone is taking a stand; and when the ‘light-bulb’ goes on, and we figure out collectively the Spiritual nature of what is happening here, we will be able to look around and see who stands where.

Fasten your seatbelts, folks.  The Jewish people stand at the threshold of greatness. Slowly but inevitably, more and more of us realize there is a deep connection between G-d, this land and us; slowly but surely, we understand that when Jewish leadership recognizes G-d as the source of our life— our future will be assured. Increasingly, history reveals G-d’s hand, which in turn reveals how empty are the hands of our current national leadership. For too many decades,  we have not heard Jewish leaders talk about G-d and Jewish destiny; and now, we fear for our future . Get the picture?

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