Last month, the Labour Party of the UK announced that Israel is an "Apartheid state" (here). This is no surprise because England's Labour Party supports human rights (here).
It's true: there is a direct connection between supporting human rights, being a Humanitarian and demonizing Israel. Labour understands this connection if you don't.
Labour understands what it means to oppose racism and oppression. After all, that's what Humanitarianism is all about, right?
Ask the United Nations. The United Nations is the Temple of Humanitarianism. It dedicates itself to saving lives, fighting racism and alleviating suffering. That's exactly what Labour wants. It probably sings the Humanitarianism anthem, whatever that is.
Apparently, Humanitarians believe that, to save all from racism and oppression, Israel must be demonized, at the very least.
The UN sits at the top of the Humanitarian pyramid. It leads the way to a utopia called, 'world peace'. It works in its own way to save the world--and it has determined (through resolution after resolution) that Israel is perhaps the major road block for anyone seeking to save us.
We know this is how the UN feels about Israel because the UN has condemned Israel for supposed rights violations more than any other country in the world--more than China, North Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia combined.
Think about Israel from a Humanitarian point of view. What can the world do with such a supposed "rights" violator? The answer is simple. The world must fight to stamp out this
Great Satan of rights violations. It's the only way to peace.
That's why Labour calls Israel Apartheid. It's why there is an Apartheid Week all across the West, set up annually to demonize the world's only Jewish state under the name of Humanitarianism. Hating Israel is the world's most popular armchair sport.
The Humanitarian's complaint seems to be this: you Jews are G-d's chosen? How can Jews be G-d's Chosen when the one state Jews create is so racist and so oppressive with its Apartheid ways?
Based upon its use, it appears that "Apartheid" must be the dirtiest word in the world. You know that's true because so many Humanitarians use it to demonize Israel so often.
Humanitarianism and anti-Israelism are connected, to use a phrase, at the hip. One doesn't move without the other. They both obsess over "Israel-is-Apartheid!"
Here's a question: have you ever seen a picture of Israel's Apartheid? For example, have you ever seen in Israel a picture of a road sign that says, in essence, "Road splits ahead: Jewish drivers stay to the right; Non-Jewish drivers stay to the left"?
No, you have never seen such a picture about Israel. Yes, those signs could be "Apartheid", depending upon the context of that sign. But they do not exist in Israel.
As you will see in a moment, they do exist in the Arab world.
Suggestion: before you think about calling Israel an "Apartheid state", perhaps it would be wise first to look at a picture album I have collected. I call it my "Israel-is-Apartheid" album. It illustrates what Israel thinks about "Apartheid" as a state policy (I originally published some of these pictures here, in February, 2016, and others here, in October, 2014).
But before you look at the album, consider some random thoughts about Apartheid. Most important, do you actually know what Apartheid looks like?
Apartheid is a state-mandated public policy that is designed to keep a specific population trapped. With state-issued Apartheid rules, a state can make it nearly impossible for that targeted population to contribute to or participate in [its] society.
The targeted population is excluded. It is locked out. It is trapped.
According to those who call Israel 'Apartheid', the excluded class in Israel is the Arab. The Jew-hate industry (the Humanitarians among us) claim Arabs under Israeli law are crushed. They are excluded. They are humiliated. They are locked out of good jobs. They are forbidden from holding significant public offices. Arabs, Israel's enemies say, suffer terribly in Israel as second-class, disenfranchised citizens.

The shocking truth about Apartheid in the Middle East is that it is not an Israeli problem. It's an Arab problem.
Wherever possible, Arabs discriminate against Jews. They create laws to lock out or harm Jews. But worse than that (for the world's 'Humanitarians' who so hate Jews they will ignore humanitarian outrages against Arabs in order to demonize Jews), wherever possible, it is Arabs--not Jews--who use racist laws to discriminate against 'Palestinians'. In some Arab countries 'Palestinians' are treated the way South Africa once treated blacks: Palestinians cannot vote, cannot get quality jobs, cannot live in proper housing, cannot get equal medical care and cannot enter the economy's main stream.