Thursday, May 27, 2021

The 2021 Gaza war: how an Israeli can earn the title of "useful idiot'

(Latest update: May 30, 2021) 

On May 23, 2021, one of Israel's major news outlets, timesofisrael, published an op-ed piece by its Editor, David Horovitz. The first three words of this essay were, "Losing the war..." (here). 

Those three words tell us everything we need to know about Horovitz's opinion about the current status of the ongoing Arab-Israel conflict. Specifically, he believes that Israel will lose that war to the Palestinians--unless, that is, Israel makes some serious diplomatic and strategic 'accommodations'.

Horovitz's logic for this opinion is simple, as you'll see in a moment. But I will tell you, his logic appears both outrageously misguided and clearly wrong.

He argues:

-It simply doesn't matter that Hamas used its own civilian citizens in Gaza as human shields as it fired thousands of rockets indiscriminately at Israeli civilians;

-it doesn't matter that Hamas doesn't seek any accommodation with Israel, but  seeks instead Israel's complete destruction;

-it doesn't matter that Israel had forced some 8,000 Israelis out of Gaza to give all of Gaza to Arabs as a 'gesture of peace' that has failed--because the Arabs who term themselves 'Palestinians" are not interested in any 'gestures of peace';

-it doesn't matter that, over the years, Israel has already offered to these 'Palestinians" almost all of Judea-Samaria, Israel's Biblical homeland--as a gesture of peace-because those offers have always been rejected by 'Palestinians';

-it doesn't matter that US President Bill Clinton "unerringly" identified Yasser Arafat as an "unreformed terrorist" who had doomed Israeli efforts to reach accommodation with these 'Palestinians';

-it doesn't matter that, in the wake of that failure, both Arafat and Hamas started a "onslaught of suicide bombings" against Israelis;

-it doesn't matter that Mahmoud Abbas has [had the gall] to declare that Israel has nothing to do with Judaism;

-it doesn't matter that Abbas says Jews have no connection whatsoever to the Temple Mount--Judaism's holiest spot on earth;

In sum, Horovitz believes that none of this matters because Israel refuses to attempt to reach accommodation with the 'Palestinians' on the question of a two-state solution. What matters to Horovitz  is, because it is obvious that Israel no longer endorses a two-state concept, it is equally obvious that Israel will, in the end, lose everything.

For Horovitz, the only thing that matters these days is that unless Israel comes up with a way to take care of its 'Gaza' problem, Israel will lose, big time because the world is losing its patience--with Israel. Horovitz says Israel needs to find a fix for this problem--fast. 

This is utter hogwash. It isn't fit to be published in an outlet that claims to be pro-Israel. It is, however, completely suitable for any outlet that supports and advocates the Palestinian Cause--a Cause which, by the way, aims to destroy Israel. 

If you want to know why Israel is right to ignore the supposed 'two-state' solution--and why it is not Israel that must make 'accommodations' for peace--listen to Mahmoud al-Zahar, the co-founder of Hamas (here). 

In this video, al-Zahar is asked, point-blank, does Israel have the right to exist? He pauses, then answers, no.

al-Zahar also does not believe in a two-state solution. He says, Palestinians have already tried this but it has failed. He asks, you are now asking me to practice a failed process? He then adds, if you want to know about a two-state solution, go ask Mahmoud Abbas if he is now addressing a two-state solution as viable or not, and he (Abbas) will say, no.

Perhaps to clarify what he meant, al-Zahar has also said the following in a very short (1:1 minutes) excerpt from a more recent interview dated May 25, 2021:

His clarification here is simple: "this land is not suitable for a two-state solution; it's either-or: either the occupation remains forever...or this occupation will be removed and each Israeli will go his own way--[back to his country of origin]. Palestine is an Arab and Islamic land....[Israel is] a cancer on our land". 

With Arab attitudes such as these, how can Horovitz say it is Israel's responsibility to 'take care of' a two state solution. Indeed, to create two states that "live side by side in peace and security"--the original two-state dream concocted by Western leaders for Israel--both parties to such an agreement have to believe the other has the right to exist, and both must declare that a peaceful two state solution is viable. 

But both Hamas and Fatah (led by Abbas) reject these ideas. They each refuse to accept that Israel has the right to exist, and they each reject a two-state concept. Indeed, as al-Zahar suggests in the second interview above, the best chance for peace will happen when Israelis leave the Middle East altogether and go back to their countries of origin, leaving 'Palestine' to remain Muslim and Arab.  

The responsibility for peace requires both Hamas and Fatah to change, not just Israel. But Hamas and Fatah refuse to change. Why does the world accuse Israel of intransigence?

Every proposal for peace presented by Israel to these so-called 'Palestinians' has been rejected by both Hamas and Fatah out-of-hand. How is the fact there is no peace Israel's fault?

Hamas and Fatah want something else--something which, by the way, they both repeat incessantly. They want a one-state solution for this conflict, not two states. Specifically, they want a single Arab Muslim state on all the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea--the land now called, Israel. For them, "peace" means, 'no Israel'. Israel must disappear. 

A Palestinian peace will mean a Judenrein (Jew-free) state. 

Those who support the anti-Israel Palestinian Cause are working hard after this latest war to demonize and harm the Jewish state. It is outrageous--and extraordinarily ignorant--to watch a savvy and educated Jew in Israel (Horovitz) to cower before these enemies and claim that the only way Israel will win peace is to "accommodate" the demands of Hamas and Fatah. Israeli citizens know this assertion is utter nonsense. The so-called two-state solution is dead because of Hamas and Fatah, not because of Israel. 

Perhaps Horovitz can rethink what he writes about this topic. Certainly, if he continues along his chosen path--to blame Israel for 'no peace'--he could well get a reputation for being either a fool or a useful idiot of the anti-Israel Palestinian Cause.

Is that how he wants to be known?

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