Thursday, April 29, 2021

What kind of suicide game does Israel play?


The world turns the  proverbial screws on Israel. The evidence of this can be seen all around  us:

-First, the NGO (Non-government Organization) Human Right Watch (HRW) has issued an outrageously anti-Israel Report that accuses Israel of "systematic oppression" and 'inhumane acts" against Palestinans (here). It stated that Israel has commited "crimes against humanity" (here). It describes Israel as "apartheid" (ibid). According to at least one opinion, this report, in sum, questions Israel's right to exist as a Jewish democracy (here). This HRW report then recommends that the International Criminal Court should indeed pursue its current case against Israel (ibid).

Apparently, so far as HRW is concerned, the only nation in the Middle East horrible enough to  be called, "apartheid", is Israel. The only nation in the Middle East to be condemned for "systematic oppression" is Israel. Really?

The world isn't concerned about such a one-sided, biased anti-Israel Report by HRW. The world does not object to such  characterizations of Israel. It does not object to the fact that Israel--the only legitimate democracy in the Middle East--is nonetheless the only nation in the Middle East to  be smeared with such accusations.

-In the US, Progressives attack Israel without fear of pushback. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders both want to see Israel 'punished' for, essentially, being the Jewish state. Warren herself recently became the first US politician with clout to call openly for the overthrow of a sister democracy--Israel (here). She believes Israel must be "prohibited from defending itself" (ibid). 

In the US Congress, there are today more rabidly anti-Israel advocates than in recent memory. There may even be more anti-Israel members in the Biden administration than we've seen in modern US history.

Then, there's Iran. Throughout the last year and into this year, Iran seems eager to set some kind of world record for saying despicable things about Israel. As Iran does this, no one anywhere objects. 

For example:

-Iran has said Israel was a "cancerous tumor" (here)that must be destroyed. No one objected.

-Iran said it would support any group or nation that would "fight Israel" (here). No one objected.

-Iran's Parliament proposed legislation that would obligate Iran to pursue the "destruction of Israel" (here). No one anywhere objected.

-Iran has 'warned' Israel not to make "provocative" or "warmongering" statements (here). No one anywhere objected to such hostile language.

In Israel, meanwhile, Arabs increasingly attack Jews. As they attack, many take videos of their own assaults against Jews--and upload those videos to TikTok (here). TikTok does not object. Neither does anyone else.

The world watches these videos of attacks against individual Jews. No one anywhere objects.

Since April 13, 2021--which was the beginning of the Muslim Holy season called Ramadan--Arabs in Jerusalem have rioted virtually every night (here). Apparently, the Arab Ramadan in Jerusalem seems more an excuse to attack Jews than it appears to be a religious observance.

Arabs in Jerusalem have been  beating individual Jews in the streeets, much as indiviual Jews were beaten in Europe in the late 1930's. The world watches. No one objects. Indeed, why should anyone object? Islam is the religion of peace, is it not? Israel is a disgusting apartheid state, is it not?

For perhaps two weeks now, Hamas in Gaza has supported the riots in Jerusalem by firing a combination of more than 80 rockets and mortars from Gaza into Israeli civilian populations. Each such rocket or mortar fired against Israeli civilians is a crime against humanity because each rocket/mortar is aimed at civilians, a "protected" group. Does such "protection" of Israel's civilians matter? Not to the world.  As rockets have poured down on Israel's civilians, no one anywhere objected.

 Arabs at the Gaza border with Israel now begin to gather again--to riot and hurl firebombs and stones into Israel, as they did throughout 2019.  Did anyone anywhere object to this aggressiveness against a Member state of the UN (Israel)? No.

The Arab press in Lebanon has reported that Gaza prepares to renew its "balloon terror' campaign of 2019 against Israeli farms and civilians (here). No one anywhere objected.

In Jerusalem, an Arab MK (Member of Israel's Parliament, the Knesset), has expressed his "full support" for Arabs rioting in Jerusalem-and has declared that he hopes to see a new Arab Intifada that will "liberate" Jerusalem (here). The world saw this illegal action against Israel (in Israel it is illegal, I believe, for an MK to call for the destruction of Israel--or for a hostile take-over of an Israeli city). But no one on earth objected (by the way, if ever there was proof that Israel is not an apartheid state, it is this Israel-hating Arab MK who feels perfectly free to spread such hatred of sovereign Israel--clearly without fear of arrest).

How does Israel react to all of these assaults, attacks and treasonous statements about Israel? While Israel certainly does respond to these attacks, its response seems overshadowed by media reports of insane behavior of Israeli politicians screaming at each other in Cabinet meetings (here), or making selfish demands of Netanyahu that will not help Israel stave off yet another election (here) but will probably provoke another election. 

It almost seems as if Israeli politicians in the Knesset don't care at all about these attacks, assaults and demonizations against Israel.They're simply too busy trying to scratch out each others' eyes as they fight over who should be--or not be--Prime Minisrter.  

Looking beyond the Knesset, there is yet another Leftist group demanding that Israel's Attorney General declare Netanyahu "unfit' to be Prime Minister" because, you see, Netanyahu is (yet again) "bulldozing our democracy" (here). This demand comes at the same time other anti-Netanyahuers in Israel continue to work overtime to bulldoze Israel's democractic elections by seeking to unseat Netanyahu 'by any means necessary'.  

Israel is being attacked daily from outside the land, from the edge of our borders, and from within our borders. Just when Israelis need to stand united against those who would demonize, delegitimize and destroy Israel, what does Israel do? It acts as if it is coming apart at the seams. 

Israel does not "pull together". It tears asunder. 

There's an old expression in America. It's an expression we might remember: "We must hang together or surely we will hang separately". To unite is to survive. To separate into political chaos is not a recipe for success. It is the recipe for national suicide.

Israeli politician Naftali Bennett might be correct when he recently declared, Israel approaches the 'abyss of anarchy' (here). Is this where Israel is right now?

Israel's outrageous political madness in the face of of world-wide rejection and condemnation reminds one of a saying from the (cartoon) philospher, Pogo: "We have met the enemy and he is us". 

One last point on this subject: when we look at what our Tanach says about the Final Jewish Redemption, we see that HaShem says at one point that He might Redeem the Jewish people not because of the merits of the Jewish people, but to keep His Name from being desecrated. Committing national suicide would certainly qualify as desecrating G-d's name. 

Is this what Israel has come to? Stay tuned. 

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