When Joe Biden ran for President in 2020, he ran on a Liberal agenda. Specifically, he ran on re-imagining the police; more immigration; more affordable health care; more affordable education; higher wages for the lowest-paid; more racial justice--and more taxes to pay for it all. He embraced (in one way or another) the Liberal-Socialism of Democrat Bernie Sanders and in return was "supported" (here) by the Liberal-Socialist-Democrat Alexandra Ocasio Cortez (AOC).
But the Liberalism Biden embraced isn't all one sided. It has more than one face.
On one level, Liberalism is indeed a movement that seeks justice, social reform and lower family expenses. This is the good face of Liberalism. Who could object to justice and lower monthly expenses that aim--in theory, at least--to help us all?
But Liberalism has another face. This second face is ugly. It's a face of failure and destruction (here).
He introduced this particular segment of this video with a discussion of defunding the police in one of America's most ultra-Liberal cities--Minneapolis, Minnesota.
It seems that, earlier this year, the Minneapolis city council had voted to defund its police. As a result, many police officers quit or retired. Several other officers (who had remained on the force) appeared to be engaging in what some might describe as a form of 'blue flu'--slowing down their work or backing away from attempting to enforce the law. Whatever the police were or were not doing, one thing was certain for Minneapolis: violence and gunfire "raged" (here).
By November 10, 2020, the city became desperate. It announced it was looking to bring in officers from "other jurisdictions" to help the city's police department. This is where (here, beginning at app 55:28) Bongino spoke of what he believes happens when a Liberal-run city defunds its police (every city in the US which has so far this year voted to defund its police were run by Liberal Democrats).
Bongino said (my paraphrase): Liberalism is touchable, feel-able and material...this is because the effects of Liberalism are material, touchable and feel-able. How? your kid gets mugged, your car gets broken into, your wallet gets "lighter", your business goes out of business because you've been put on extended lockdown by Liberal political leaders.
Believe me, he said, that's touchable and feel-able. When some thief in the middle of the street puts his hand on your wallet and knows he won't be prosecuted--that's "Material", and you will feel it. Well, Liberals themselves now also "feel" it. Liberalism is a forest-fire that will burn this country to the ground [emphasis mine].
When I heard these words, I instantly recalled similar words I had heard years ago--and had forgotten. These now-remembered words were spoken to me by an intelligent but unsocial, irascible man. I remembered his words because they struck me as so very odd. He said, "a Liberal society always sows the seeds of its own destruction".
Bongino's words about Liberalism in today's America being a "forest fire that will burn this country to the ground" reminded me of what I believe that irascible man was talking about so many years ago. That is, according to Bongino--and perhaps also that irascible man from my past--Liberalism is, ultimately, a fatal ideology. It seems always to destroy (here and here).
Just look at the riot-torn, Liberal Democrat-run cities of New York, Baltimore, Portland, Washington, DC, Philadelphia and Seattle. Local Liberal leaders did nothing to stop those riots. Some even kneeled before them (remember that?). Some ultra-Liberal Democrat Prosecutors in those cities declared a no-prosecution campaign for those arrested during those riots--a decision which only fueled the riots with an implicit promise of no-prosecution for damage done or violence committed.
So yes, Liberalism does appear to be touchable, feel-able and material. Just ask the citizens in those Democrat-run US cities who saw their businesses burn to the ground during those so-called "peaceful protests".
That damage is why US Jews better start thinking seriously about the face of Liberalism. Right now, Jews are comfortable in the US. Many embrace Liberalism.
That embrace of Liberalism is why US Jews should beware. Liberalism isn't the 'cure' many think it is. It has a nasty, violent underside.
US Jews should never forget they are always the proverbial canary in the coal mine (here). That is, Jews are often the first to suffer when the non-Jewish society around them turns violent. Do US Jews appreciate how US Liberalism has the capacity to turn violent and destructive?
We can certainly disagree about what is a Liberal ideology. We can disagree about is the true face of Liberalism, the good face or the ugly face. But I don't think there is any doubt about the billion+-dollars' worth of damage done by "peaceful protests" in Liberal-run cities this past summer.
It might be wise to remember that wiser heads than our own have studied Liberalism more thoroughly than we have. Some have already concluded that Liberalism really, truly does destroy (see here, esp pages 1 and 17). It seems possible that the DNA of Liberalism could well include a built-in flaw--it ends in failure and destruction (ibid).
Therefore, US Jews should beware. Will US Liberalism destroy not only America, but Jews as well (see here, especially the last three paragraphs)?
If you have any doubts about where Liberalism in America is going, don't wait to see what happens. Make aliyah. Return to the world's premier haven for Jew--Israel.
That way, at least you'll be safer.
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