Thursday, October 25, 2018

This is the real problem with Israel

If you read the news, you'll read about Israel. Typically, news about Israel is rarely good. 

For example, someone's always claiming Israel has 'a problem'. Sometimes, the problem is, Israel is 'Apartheid'. Or, it's 'an occupier'. Or, it doesn't want peace with those it oppresses ('Palestinians'). The newest problem is, Israel isn't a 'Jewish democracy' (here).

Who knew?

Everyone says Israel has a problem. But few get it right. At best, they're just nibbling at the edges of Israel's real problem. At worst, they're telling lies.

The real problem with Israel is, there's a New World Order spreading across the civilized world. It's a World where Israel will never, ever fit in. 

That's Israel's problem. It's a cultural dinosaur. Its culture is completely foreign to the 'DNA' of the New-dawning World.  

The vocabulary of the New World is strange to Israel. This New vocabulary includes Social Justice, multiculturalism, gender choice, racism, and racial choice, among other words.

By comparison, Israel's cultural vocabulary is obsolete. Its vocabulary includes the Rule of Law, the 'Jewishness' of our nation-state, gender as determined by biology, race as determined by parental DNA, and freedom of speech, among other things. 

Consider the differences. Social Justice and the Rule of Law are complete opposites. That needn't be true. But it is.

The Rule of Law is predicated upon restricting an individual's ability to do whatever he wants, using well-defined and established legal precedent. Social Justice seeks to redefine law. This redefinition aims at making sure that, in essence, there's a redistribution of wealth and privilege from the rich and almost-rich to the poor. For Social Justice, Law doesn't exist to create order. It exists to make sure that that redistribution occurs. 

Most Israelis prefer to live by the Rule of Law. This is due partly because the overwhelming number of Israeli Jews--both religious and secular--believe in the Jewish Torah, where the concept of Rule of Law originated. 

For Social Justice activists, racism is everywhere. It has to be eradicated (here). Israel itself is racist (here). The inference is that Israel also must be eradicated. 

Israel rejects that. It says that calling Israel racist is racist (here).

 Then, there's the issue of multiculturalism. This concept posits that all cultures (and religions) in a society are equal. No one group is more important than any other. All are 'equal' in every way. 

Israelis live cheek-by-jowl with Islam. Most Israeli Jews understand that Islam is a Supremacist religion which prefers to rule, not share. Jews learn this lesson from news reports of Muslims in Israel killing Jews while shouting 'allah hu akbar'--a declaration of the Supremacy of Islam. 

For Social Justice, gender is "not limited to just two possibilities" (here). Gender, like race (below), isn't determined by biology. It's determined by how a person sees himself/herself (here). In the New World of Social Justice, gender is a matter of choice. Indeed, gender choice may well be the purest expression of freedom in America (here). 

Most Israelis see gender as determined by biology. Most reject the notion that gender is a matter of choice. Most also don't link gender choice to political freedom.

In the New Order, race is, like biology, not guided by genes. Instead, both are 'social constructs'.  As proof, the US Census Bureau says that race is "a person's self-identification with one or more social groups" [my emphasis]. An individual can report as White, Black, African American, Asian...[etc]...Survey respondents may report multiple races" (here). 


These new cultural 'realities' mark Israel as disconnected from the Social Justice movement. Indeed, it is Israel's Jewishness--its foundation in the Jewish Torah-- that keeps Israel isolated. The Torah and Social Justice are not compatible. 

Some in Israel seek--with help from Leftist-New-World-Order American Jews--to divorce Israel from its Torah foundation. They want Israel to buy into Social Justice.

But Israel can't do that. The so-called humanism of Social Justice requires that Israel cannot defend itself by killing Palestinians who are trying to kill Jews; must keep open borders for murderous Gazans; and cannot fight the 'religion of peace'.

Israelis understand that the minute Israel stops protecting us is the minute that masses of Jews risk being massacred. Israelis know this because that's what aggressively anti-Israel Islam has been demanding these last 90 years. 

Some say Social Justice is the path to Utopia (here, pp.123 and 135). Their argument is, forget Nazism, Fascism, Socialism or Communism. They failed. This New World Order will be different. 


The issue of 'freedom of speech' points out how isolated Israel is. You see, under the Rule of Law, freedom of speech is one of several underlying principles which support a free society (here, under 'freedom of opinion and expression'). Social Justice would curtail freedom of speech (here). It demands that free speech be limited or stopped if it offends someone (here). 

Put another way, pro-Israel speech is not politically correct. It offends people. Therefore, it doesn't qualify as protected free speech (here). 

That may sound absurd. But this is where the West is going (ibid).

Israel can't board that train. The New World Order is designed to protect overly-sensitive people, to make sure their emotions aren't 'triggered' by offensive people. Israelis aren't accustomed to protecting the overly-sensitive.

Social Justice requires that Israel buys into this nonsense--or be rejected; and because Israel has the gall to reject the Social Justice requirement of 'equality'--by killing Palestinians as they attempt to kill Jews--Israel will always be rejected. 

For Social Justice, Jews are a 'trigger'. That is, 'Jew' triggers a traumatic stress reaction in people (here). Indeed, 'Jewish' is a 'trigger'. 'Israel' is a 'trigger'. 

This is Israel's real problem. For the Social Justice activist, Israel's very existence 'triggers' trauma. If you take Social Justice thinking to its logical end then Israel, like any 'trigger', must be eliminated. How else can a peaceful, calm Utopia be born?

Israel has a problem, all right. It's the same problem Jews in Nazi Germany had--only the ideologies are different.

Get used to it.

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