Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Coronavirus pandemic: across the world, in the US, the EU--and Israel

The pandemic called, "the novel coronavirus" (here), has, quite literally,  spread around the world like a wildfire. If you have the ability to turn on a computer, watch TV or listen to a radio, you may know that officials throughout the entire populated world have reported cases. This expression, "Entire populated world", refers to more than 200 countries, territories and 'entities' (see here under the heading, "view by country". 

This is why this disease is called a "pandemic". It has, as the word 'pandemic' suggests, found victims to strike all across the world--in a relatively short period of time. 

According to 'best' data available (as of April 10, 2020, 6:59 GMT), some 1.6 million people worldwide have been 'officially' infected (here). We don't know how many other cases have gone unreported or under-reported. Even at 1.6 million, the numbers and the speed of the infections are staggering.

Of the 1.6 million victims, some 95,000+ have died (ibid). If you're counting, that's an 'official' 5.96% death rate. This is to say that app 6% of officially diagnosed cases end in death--not a small number--and the real toll, when the true dead are actually counted, could be much higher.

This death rate (app 6% of those infected) is frightening. What makes this number frightening is that the current number of cases and deaths depend upon official numbers. That is to say, if a country's official's don't release accurate numbers, the total impact of the true death rate may never be known.

China, where this disease is said to have originated, is the perfect case in point. Many in the US have stated that the corona numbers coming out of China are--and have been--fake (here). The same may be true for Iran, Russia, Indonesia and North Korea (ibid). Some even suspect that Egypt and Saudi Arabia might be "downplaying" their own national coronavirus numbers (ibid).

For China, the real number of dead from the virus might exceed 40,000 (here and here), not the app. 3,300 China has declared. If 40,000+ dead in China is an accurate  estimate, then China's reported numbers are completely false (here, under 'view by country'). The horrible reality of such a misrepresentation is that the number of Chinese dead could be perhaps 15X greater than reported. 

In the US, the anti-Trump mainstream media--joining with anti-Trump Democrats--don't so much focus on US falsifying virus numbers. Instead, they focus on weaponizing the virus against US President Trump (here). Case in point: in America, the CBSNews corporation has more than once shown chaotic hospital scenes, purportedly from New York City, to "illustrate" President Trump's corona pandemic failure to manage the pandemic competently. But these clearly chaotic--and horrific--scenes weren't from New York City--which, by the way, has just recently revealed that, well, actually, the oft-hyped news that 'we're out of hospital beds-we're drowning in patients-the government isn't helping us-we can't cope' stories, didn't have a shortage of beds at all. In fact, New York City had a surplus of hospital beds!

The scenes shown on CBSNews outlets across the US hadn't been filmed in New York City. They hadn't been filmed in the US. They'd been filmed in Italy, which has been overwhelmed by the virus. Italy's experience with this pandemic has been devastating. 

You can see this devastation in the deaths-per-million-population numbers. Italy's deaths-per-million are 6X greater than rate in the US (see here under 'view by country', and below). 

In fact, if you want to see exactly how Trump was handling the US corona pandemic, check out the 'view by country' section of the worldwidecorona website report. As of the April 10, 2020 6:59 GMT accounting moment, when you compare US 'deaths per million population' with European countries, the differences can appear startling. The numbers below suggest that Trump is not  incompetent or evil with his coronavirus strategy; quite the contrary. Judge for yourself:

As of those April 10th numbers, the US had app 50 deaths per million population. By contrast, Spain had 330 deaths per million population. Italy had 302, or, six times greater than the US number.

France had 187 deaths per million population. The UK had 118. Belgium had 218. Switzerland had 110. The Netherlands had 140. Sweden had 79. Ireland had 53. Luxembourg had 83.  

Yes, as of the reporting date-time listed for that corona report, other European countries did have lower deaths per million population vs the US. But then, as you've just seen above, some of Europe's most advanced countries indeed had numbers significantly higher than the US numbers.  

Therefore, has Trump really been as completely incompetent ('he has blood on his hands'!!) as the US mainstream media have proclaimed him to be? If that's the case, what does this same media say about places like Spain, France, the UK, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, etc?

In a word, nothing. The US media has ignored their numbers as if they didn't exist, as if they bore no relevance to what Trump was accomplishing.

In Israel, meanwhile, the deaths per million number stood at 10. This, compared to other advanced countries, is among the best of numbers. It says Israel's aggressive strategies against the virus were working.

Israel's PM, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been considered among the most proactive--and competent--of national leaders during this pandemic battle. Thank G-d, he works in Israel, not elsewhere. Thank G-d, he's done well, so far. 

No country is out of danger, at least not yet. The world has been attacked by a powerful force. In the fight against this invisible enemy, the US isn't as bad as some would claim; and Israel, thankfully, holds its own. 

The good news for all of us is, of the 1.6 million cases of coronavirus (as of April 10th) so far worldwide, app 356,986 of these cases have 'ended' successfully--that is, many infected people have been identified as "recovered" (here). That's good news, indeed.

May their numbers grow! May HaShem bring a "refuah shleima" (a "complete recovery") to all who have fallen victim to this plague. May Israel continue to be successful.

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