Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The next World War

(Last update: August 11, 2019)

For some, World War Two represented the ultimate clash of ideologies (here). It pitted an aggressive and supremacist Nazism against such traditional Western values as freedom, equality and democracy. For World War Two, there was no compromise. Only one ideology survived--democracy.

It was that kind of war.

Today, the world faces another clash of ideologies. As with World War Two, this modern clash is also between an aggressive, militant ideology that sees itself as supreme against the same Western values that were threatened in World War Two. 

But this modern war doesn't pit two political/cultural ideologies against one another. This time, the clash is, so far as I can tell, between Islam and the West.

Once again, democracy is at risk. Make no mistake, the rise of today's anti-democracy Koran-based Islamic Jihad shares much with the defeated anti-democracy Nazis. Both militant Islam and Nazism are supremacist. Both promote the notion that daily life is best managed by them because they are better than you. For both the Nazi and the Jihadi, individualism, exceptionalism freedom of choice, speech and religion are forbidden. 

Supremacist ideologies are like that. They hate freedom.

Such ideologies are typically racist, anti-democracy and driven by hate. They are especially focused on Jews. They are anti-Semitic. They call for the killing of the Jews.  

For Supremacist ideologies, there is no room for debate or  respect for differences. There is room only for surrender. 

All must be the same. All must be strictly controlled by a supreme elite. All must comply or, potentially, face death. 

This is the face of Nazism and Islamic Jihad: comply or die.

Nazism and Jihad believe in conquest. They revel in conquest. It is,  they believe, their unique destiny. 

They believe that, through aggression, they can create a grand Utopia. They would create their Utopias with the blood of the sword. 

Because of Nazi aggression, more than 50 million people died in  World War Two. Perhaps as many as 100 million more--though probably less than that number--were displaced. Cities were obliterated. 

In the end, however, while the war crushed the Nazi dream, millions nonetheless became enslaved. After having been enslaved by the Nazis, millions in Eastern Europe became trapped by Communism. Indeed, one might be able to argue that the biggest winner of that war was actually Stalin--because he used the utter destruction of that War to establish in Eastern Europe, unchallenged, his own dictatorial supremacist utopia--behind an enslaving iron curtain. 

The West was simply too exhausted to fight him. The West sighed. After freeing Europe from the Nazis, it surrendered to the Communist enslavement of Europe's East. 

The West's war against Islamic Jihad has its own dangers. You may not remember this, but Iong ago in the 16th century, Islam stood at the gates of Vienna, ready to conquer the European infidel (here). The Islamic Ottoman Empire of the 16th century, like the Nazis of the 20th century, desired to rule all of Europe. In 1529, the Islamic dream of conquering Europe was about to be fulfilled. Its supremacist utopia was about to become a reality.

But then, on September 11,1529, the Ottoman army at the gates of Vienna was defeated (here) by Austrian-Hapsburg forces representing what was called, the Holy Roman Empire. On 9-11-1529, the Islamic dream of conquering Europe is said to have ended.

But it didn't end. Islamic Jihad is patient, much more patient than the West. While the West forgot about the war at the gates of Vienna, Jihad remembered--and waited.  

The Islamic dream of conquest never fades. It burns ever-bright--and the sting of defeat by the accursed infidel never fades--never. That is why, on 9-11-2001, the Islamic Jihadi dream of conquering the West awakened once again, this time in America, the new center of Western power. 

On the 2001 anniversary of that 1529 defeat, Jihadists hijacked four commercial airliners in the US and used them in suicide attacks against American targets on American soil (here). Those Jihadists killed more than 2,990 people that day. Islamic Jihad against the West's power-center, that attack suggested, was now "on" once again.

By 2014, Islamic Jihad became bold enough to remind the West that the 1529 Islamic defeat by the Holy Roman Empire would now be reversed. ISIS, the so-called 'Islamic State', announced that, now, Rome will be conquered by Islam. ISIS declared that, already, it had sent thousands of extremists into Europe. 

In 2015, the Islamic State even bragged that Islam would defeat the birthplace of Western culture. The migration crisis in Europe caused by Muslim migrants flooding into Europe at an unprecedented rate would, ISIS declared, be the means by which Islam would conquer Europe without firing a shot

Now, 2019, we can see that Islamic Jihad has infiltrated into America--quietly, under most everyone's 'radar' (here). In Western Europe, that attack against the infidel is no longer hidden. As militant, anti-West Islamic migrants have spread into Europe, the sounds of this clash grow louder each month. 

This is no simple migration. It's become part of a World War against the accursed infidel -- and it may well prove the undoing of freedom and democracy for many of today's Western democracies. Read about France (here), Sweden (here) and Germany (here and here), and you'll begin to see the potential horror the West faces, both directly and indirectly, from Islam. 

Islam begins to reshape Europe (here). Yes, it's a process that's indeed controversial (ibid). But even as Western Leftists defend this reshaping by thinking of it as a celebration of multiculturalism and Progressivism, that celebration does nothing to blunt a growing anti-West Muslim hostility that threatens Europe's sense of peace and order. 

Will America be next (here)? 

Stay tuned. A new World War has begun. It will not be a war of words. It is a war designed to bring darkness to the Western infidel--you. 

It could  be the last war the West fights.

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