Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The future belongs to Israel, not to Palestinians. Here's why

(Note: I've been off Since November 19, 2018. With this new post below, I hope my hiatus has ended. Thanks for remaining a loyal follower.)

Read history.

While there are always short-term exceptions, history teaches an important lesson: man does not thrive by living a fantasy. Certainly, no one survives by embracing murder.

When man lives a fantasy, he doesn't face the problems he must solve to survive. That's not a good survival plan.

When man lives a fantasy that embraces murder, he is not blessed with good life. He is cursed by the blood he spills.  

Some don't understand these truths. Some can't see that a national self-identity based upon a murderous fantasy isn't a foundation for success. It's a poison that destroys. 

Healthy people don't live such fantasies. Healthy people don't embrace murder. They know better.

The larger the group, the more dangerous a 'murderous fantasy' becomes. German Nazis played such a fantasy. So did Russian Communists. So did Chairman Mao. So do Islamic Jihadists. So do Palestinians.

These murderers believe they are/were Supreme. They thought they had the right to murder. 

Violent Supremacists pretend they are Supreme. Violent Muslims pretend Israel is not the Jewish state, but their own Muslim 'Palestine'. They pretend Israel has no right to exist. They pretend they have the right to kill Jews. 

They don't. 

The Palestinian Authority plays a Supremacist game. They fantasize that their 'rights' can only be realized through a murderous dream of destroying a hated 'other'. Their murder is all-encompassing. It includes Jews, Judaism, Jewish history, Jewish-owned property, Jewish holy sites and the entire Jewish national enterprise. 

It's been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and again, always expecting a different result. Do you really think the murderous Jihadi Palestinian Supremacist fantasy will end differently from the murderous fantasies of the Nazis and Communists?

Read history. Murderous fantasies promote murder, not survival. This is why Jihad will fail. It's certainly why the Palestinian Cause will fail. They bet on murder and destruction, not life.

This is where the existence of Israel teaches a lesson. Israel doesn't engage in murderous fantasies. It doesn't lie about history or someone else's religion. It doesn't call others 'the sons of apes and pigs'. 

It doesn't need to. It doesn't embrace hate and murder because it doesn't lust to conquer. 

Israel doesn't believe it has the right to kill others in the name of a Supremacist, racist ideology. Israel isn't interested in 'pretending'. It isn't interested in world conquest. It's not tied its Destiny to a national fantasy that requires the blood of others. 

That's what Palestinian 'nationalists' do. The lust to spill Jewish blood.

Israel has no such lust. Left alone, Israel is interested only in 'doing'--and 'creating'. Look at the number of patents that come out of Israel. Look up why Israel is called the 'start-up nation'. Think about why Israel has just recently been identified as the 5th most 'innovative' nation in the world--more 'innovative' than the US, Japan, France, China, Canada or the UK (here).

Israel is blessed because it focuses on life, not murder.

Palestinians don't work to promote life. They promote the murder of Jews. They put their money where their hate is: they pay more than $150 million USD a year to those who have attacked Jews to kill. 

Israel saves lives. It's blessed. Palestinians don't save lives. They kill.

They are cursed. While Israel builds on reality to succeed, to create--and to thrive--Jihad doesn't. The Palestinians won't. 

Israel spotlights reality to save lives. It analyzes reality to make progress. Jihad doesn't. The Palestinians won't. 

The future doesn't belong to the Palestinian Cause. The future doesn't belong to murderous madness. Never did. Never will. 

The future always belongs to those who create for good--and have the strength and commitment to defend themselves against murderous, Supremacist fantasies. That's why the future belongs to the Jewish Israel, not to Supremacist Palestinian madness.

1 comment:

  1. Shalom, Tuvia Brodie.

    We at Shift The Script urgently hope and request your help to enable people to become aware of letters to world leaders, about the largest global problem today.

    Each letter is less than 800 words, but links to what each leader needs to know, so they can inform their people and other world leaders. The letters have just started. 3 have been written, addressing POTUS, Prime Minister of Malaysia, and Prime Minister of Israel. 165 patriots have shared our letter to the American POTUS.

    Shift The Script is about creating evolutionary conversations to connect people through paradigm shifts. We are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

    Our first conversation unveils a groundbreaking investigation all governments and all people need to know, in the article titled "LARGEST GLOBAL PROBLEM TODAY" affecting billions of lives.

    More Than Murtadd unveils 3 combined facts, while revealing why all scholars of Sunni Islam today refuse to teach all Sunni Muslims and non-Muslims in every country about 2 combined facts... through groundbreaking evidence proving how Sunni Islam, the Qur'an and Islam had no authority or credibility more than 1000 years ago, due to how all the earliest Muslims failed basic science.

    Also includes gems such as the Arab armies starting the 1948 war, as written by scholars of Sunni Islam.

    Letter to Donald Trump:

    Letter to Tun Mahathir:

    Letter to Binyamin Netanyahu:

    We sincerely hope and implore you to help, Tuvia. Social media and the media outlets are vital, especially when people need others to summarise and read. Whatever your choice, we thank you for your time, in reading this.

    Warm regards, Paras
