Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Beware how Leftists use religion for peace in the Middle East

Recently, Israel passed a landmark new law called, the Jewish Nation-State Law. The purpose of this legislation is to confirm the founding principle of Israel's existence (here). It reminds everyone that Israel is the "state of the Jewish people" (here).

Lefties everywhere were outraged. How dare Israel call itself Jewish

Lefties were united. They screamed that this law will destroy Israel's democracy. It could harm the Jewish people world-wide (here). It will hurt the Middle East peace process (here).

If that weren't enough to curse Israel, the Left (including many Jewish Leftists) labeled this law as racist (here). They called this law a clear form of 'apartheid' (here).   

Then, a few days later, Hamas leadership made its own  announcement. It declared that its goal between now and 2022 is to rid all of Palestine of the ' filthy Jews' (here)Hamas referred to this goal as the  'cleansing of Palestine of the filth of the Jews' (ibid).

Nice people.

Here's a question: what will harm the so-called Arab-Israel peace process more, Israel calling itself the 'Jewish State'--or Hamas declaring its intent to rid 'Palestine' (the current Israel) of the filthy Jews?

Leftists know the answer to this question. They believe there can be no peace when Israel calls itself 'Jewish'. They refuse to discuss Hamas' genocidal goal.

Lefties screamed so much over the Jewish Nation-State law, they had no voice to condemn Hamas with the same brush. No Lefty screamed, 'racist' at Hamas. No Lefty screamed at Hamas, this declaration destroys any chance for peace in the Arab-Israel conflict. They only say these things about Israel.

Somehow, Leftists behave this way because they embrace the dream of peace. It's not a purely secular dream. It's a dream based on religion.

It's true. Leftists are sensitive to religion. This sensitivity is why so many Leftists hate Israel. 

Israel is the Jewish state . That's a problem because Leftists believe that Judaism is not a religion of peace (here). Just ask the Arabs who surround Israel.

But Islam, Leftists say, is different. it is the religion of peace. Just ask the Arabs who surround Israel.

Leftists always ask the Arabs who surround Israel about these things. The Left is careful. It wouldn't want to insult Islam. 

It would appear that, in the Leftists' religion-of-peace, Jews are no longer the Chosen people. 'Palestinians' are the 'Chosen'. Just ask the United Nations.

Judging from the Left's silence over the Hamas announcement--and its cry of horror over the new Israeli Law--one might reasonably infer the Left's true feelings about Jews. That feeling is simple: Jews bring nothing to the table when it comes to peace. Muslims, however, bring their religion of peace. 

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