Tuesday, May 17, 2016

This truth should make you sick

Almost every day, the world hears the same message: The 'Palestinian' people want peace. Israel rejects peace. 'Palestinians' attack Israel out of 'frustration' over Israel's anti-peace behaviour.

That message is false. There’s a reason there's no peace in this region. But that reason isn't Israeli intransigence. There's no peace here because of  intense, vicious, even unbelievable Jew-hate (see below).

The UN, the USA and the EU ignore this Jew-hate. They respond to this hate with silence.   

The US, EU and UN should know better. They should reject the Arab hate. They should condemn Arab lies. They don't. 

They find nothing wrong with Arab Jew-hate. They find nothing wrong with Arab lies.  

The Obama administration, the EU and UN are not innocents who’ve been taken in by sophisticated falsehoods. They are not naïve. They have too much access to information to be innocent. They have too much experience on the international stage to be naive.

I’d say they accept the Arab lies because they want to accept them. I'd say their silent because they feel the same about Arab Jew-hate: they accept it.

Somewhere in their Western-Christianized collective consciousness, the US, EU and UN (created by Western thought) find the demonization of Israel and the call for the destruction of the Jews to be a satisfying thought. That’s why the US, EU and UN say nothing about the Arab hate you're about to see.

The video below was made in 2009. It references other videos shot as long ago as 1995. The video is connected to the website 
HonestReporting. It's 8:03 minutes. 

Points to remember:

-For 'Palestinian' children, dying for 'Palestine' is glorified.

-Children's shows are laced with Jew-hate incitement.

-TV reinforces this hate: everyone yearns for martyrdom...martyrdom is a beautiful thing...martyrdom is better than peace...I celebrate as I eat the flesh of my usurper...

-The worse form of child abuse is to teach a child to hate...these are kindergarten children being taught to be suicide bombers.

-These children are being raised to believe that the entire land of Israel is Arab...the entire land of Israel is Arab 'Palestine'..Haifa, Jaffa, Hebron...all the land is (Arab) Palestine, all the land is Palestine. Repeat enough and the children will learn: all the land is (Arab) Palestine.

-The PA publicizes, even celebrates, the worst kind of Jew-hate, including those who shout, 'just give us weapons... We will kill them all [the Jews]... We won't leave a single Jew... We won't leave a single Jew here'. 

What kind of people are these?  Where in these calls is there a desire for peace?

-In every map and schoolbook, Israel is (Arab) Palestine: that is, their 'Palestine' replaces Israel. They do not teach peace. They do not teach that Israel and 'Palestine' should live side-by-side in peace and security (the mantra of the UN, the EU and the Obama administration). Instead, they teach 'Palestine' will erase and replace Israel. 

How can there be any two-state solution when ‘Palestinians’ are taught there is only one state in their future—an Arab Palestine?

-Israel doesn't exist...Israel doesn't exist...Israel doesn't exist. How many times do we have to hear it to understand it: Israel doesn't exist, Israel doesn't exist...all the land is Palestine, all the land is Palestine, all the land is Palestine. Get it? 

Arab Kindergartners get it: all of Jewish Israel is the Arab 'Palestine'. So tell me: with this kind of education during 1995-2009, will young adult Arabs in 2016 be talking about peace with Israel—or killing Israel?

What do you think?

-The Oslo Accords (for a two-state solution) were supposed to be the road to peace. That’s what the US, EU and UN say. But ‘Palestinians’ disagree. They say Oslo was just a Trojan Horse to get inside Israel, to continue the battle against Israel.... The purpose of the Oslo Accords is to weaken Israel and then destroy Israel...The strategic goal is the liberation of 'Palestine', from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. 

If that’s what the PA proclaims, why do you blame Israel for ‘no peace’?

When little Arab children are taught to want to kill Jews, do you really think there can be peace between Arab and Jew?

If the US, EU and UN choose not to hear or see this message of conquest and hate, I will suggest they make that choice consciously. I will tell you plainly they are silent for a reason: they support the Arab goal--the destruction of the State of Israel.

Why else would they refuse to address the Jew-hate? Why else would they allow that Jew-hate to continue? 

The truth is, Jew-hate is poison. It poisons peace. It poisons your children. It poisons your future. 

It destroys everyone who touches it. It's always been that way. It will never change.

This is the truth that should make you sick: these Arabs poison children--and no one cares. 

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